The Fallen Saudi Woman – A Scenario


fallen-womanThe enterprising Saudi man will do whatever he can to entice a young woman to meet with him. They may have first come in contact with one another via an internet chat room or “blue-toothing” or through friends somehow. As their contacts develop the young man (and oftentimes the young woman) will want to meet. The young man will have many suggestions and ideas on how it can be done. He will say all the right words about how much he cares for her, respects her and will go crazy if he cannot meet with her. He will manage perhaps to get little gifts delivered to her and will be very clever in working his way into her heart. Finally she may succumb to meet him in a public venue such as a coffee shop or restaurant. They know they are taking a calculated risk by not being related and meeting this way but the heart is ruling over the mind here. The first few “public” meetings will be innocent although full of smoldering looks. The Saudi man will then begin to tell the young woman how he yearns for just one kiss and the chance to hug her. He will tell her how much he loves her and is committed to her. He could not imagine having any other woman as his wife. Such words and actions can be very impressionable on a young woman. And she’s only human too. Once she has met her young man face-to-face it is natural that she also feels emotions of desire and want. So she may agree to meet with him in a private venue. This venue could be his place or a friend’s place but is usually a residence so there is no fear of muttawa or outsiders recognizing them while they are out together. What all may happen behind the closed doors can be left to the imagination. I don’t think there is any need to get graphic here. It can be a simple hug to a whole lot more. However the end result, regardless of “how far” a young woman and guy may have gone, the damage has been done. In so many cases after the Saudi woman has surreptitiously met with an unrelated Saudi male, she has become the Fallen Woman in his eyes. Even though the Saudi man set out on a calculated plan of wooing her and enticing her to meet with him alone, once she has done so, he will then look at her as “disrespectful” and “spoiled goods.” Of course there can be exceptions to this rule but I am aware of more instances where the Saudi woman has been unceremoniously dumped instead. She will then find herself in a perpetual state of nervousness hoping and praying her family will not become aware of her actions; that the Saudi man will keep his mouth shut; and that she can indeed go on with her life older and wiser.

64 Responses

  1. My daughter brought home a-soon-to-be-banned book “Girls of Riyadh” from her UAE university. It made for very interesting reading and it detailed exactly what you wrote here. I am sure that the same tactics would apply here in the UAE too for the girls.

    Have you heard of any stories of what happens to the girls if they are found out? Are the man and woman forced to marry?

  2. ‘Girls of Riyadh’ is actually available at Jarir bookstores in Saudi Arabia in both English and Arabic versions.

    If they are found out what happens to them is very much dependent on the families and their views. Some families may insist on marriage; some families may insist on getting their daugther married to someone soonest and not necessarily the man who steered her wrong; and yet some families may feel it is such a disgrace to their name, honor and face that their daughter could be banished or worse. By banished, I mean that she would be deemed umarryable and live pretty much a life of isolation in her family home. In some other cases they may decide to marry her off as a second, third or fourth wife. The absolute worse case is either an “honor” killing of the girl or having her tried for ‘kuhla’ which could result in the death penalty.

    Every Saudi woman is fully aware of the risks she takes if attempting to have a relationship or interaction prior to a marriage which has been approved by the families. And sadly, it is always the girl who does suffer the most and will pay the price if “caught out.”

  3. It just shows you, men/boys are the same all over the world. They will always see how ‘far’ they can go. Sadly the women/girls have to pay a higher ‘price’ in Middle Eastern societies.

    However going back to Victorian times, things weren’t much different to what you’ve explained in your post. Except for the ‘honour’ killing. I don’t think that was practised.

  4. My dad used to always warn me about men like this when I reached my teenage years. “Men are like dogs chasing their tails” was the standard line he always used. He told me how when he was growing up guys he knew would get engaged to women who were most likely virgins, convince the women to sleep with them (cuz their engaged and they love each other so its not wrong, blah blah) and then break off the engagement after wards because they could no longer trust the woman any more. The guys felt that if the woman would sleep with them than they would sleep with anybody and they couldn’t marry someone like that. And of course the woman became officially “damaged goods” and all that and the men went around telling everyone.
    I used to think my dad was just trying to scare me with improbably exaggerations but now that i’m older I sadly see how right he was.
    Its kind of amazing how one mistake, no matter how completely innocent, can possibly destroy a woman’s entire reputation and future.

  5. Elle – that is a good description comparing the “Victorian” times to here and now in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Middle East.

    Tulip – your Dad gave good advice. And this problem is not contained to Saudi Arabia or the Middle East but I believe the consequences are more dire in this region as compared to the West…particularly when you look at say, Sarah Palin’s unwed pregnant teenage daughter whom she says can be a “role model” and spokesperson to other teens….yeah right….

  6. ugh! Men are evil.

    I have a different scenario for you here. Last year while I was having dinner with some relatives, one of the guys received a phone call. It was a call from a friend of his whose friend’s son has been caught with unrelated girl in his car. They freed the girl directly, and even her name wasn’t documented in the police (the reason for that, was: “she is a girl” so she slept that night in her house among her family .. The guy spent the night at the prison , and the judge decided to give him 80 lashes. The guy sought “wasta” so he can avoid these 80 lashes. The judge got angry, and at the end the lashes multiplied to reach 600. I don’t know what happened at the end cause I wasn’t interested to inquire about the story.

    But the main point of this which I argued with my friends and relatives before, who should be punished? both? or only the guy? and who decides the punishment ? Is it according to each individual judge ? or there is a written regulation that the judges followed. It seems some judges decide to give punishments according to their whim . There is a saying by the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and upon all the prophets “Two judges are in hell , and one in paradise” Which means that being a judge is not an easy thing, and most judges are not qualified to be so…

    I’m already having a severe headache since this after noon Carol, and thanks, you increased it 🙂
    Pease to all

  7. “…or having her tried for ‘kuhla’ which could result in the death penalty.”

    I wasn’t aware of that, could you please site your reference?

  8. ummadam, There isn’t death penalty in this. Only in cases of documented rape it might happen ..

  9. Khalid – what you shared is reminisct of the “Qatif Girl” case up to a point. You’re right – if such an action ends up in the courts then there does not seem to be a “one size fits all” solution or sentencing.

    Umm Adam – I do not have a reference to quote you. I have been told of one case where a girl was viewed as “disgracing” her family and in turn they buried her alive in the desert. However this is the EXTREME and not at all to my knowledge a norm. If I misquoted using the term ‘kuhla’ then I apologize but if I am correct in my term, kuhla is applied when an unrelated man and woman are caught together.

  10. who should be punished? Why should anyone be punished? Apparently even basic biology is evil in this country.

    Men, on the other hand, are the same everywhere..they just have more power to harm here.

  11. Are the lashings and beheading (I read from another site that there are beheadings) made public?

    I guess I am really naive. I did not know that SA is so strict. From reading some of your posts and from another bloggers site it sort of reminds me of the Taliban. And the Taliban would make any major punishment public in a stadium.

  12. Oh you mean the family taking matters in their own hands – not actually shariah law? Khulwa, is when a man and a woman (unrelated) are alone. I just was not aware of the hudood for khulwa. I know that the punishment of adulterers under Islamic law is stoning, but those are extremely rare and often people have turned themselves in for it because the proof is very difficult to establish (4 wtiness to the actual penetration).

  13. Andrea – It is a fact that Saudi Arabia is among the most conservative of countries and societies and not everyone can adapt to life here.

    This That – I know that beheadings can be publicly viewed (God forbid) but I am not sure about lashings. KSA is not at the same extreme as Taliban but it is very conservative and strict. Maybe this is also why it has an incredibly low crime rate due to the harsh repurcussions?

    Umm Adam – Yes…I mean as when it becomes known that an unrelated man and woman were alone and that fact becomes public and taken to the courts.

  14. To be fair to Saudi it’s pretty much the same in most conservative societies, even Hindu India or other Muslim countries or Buddhist countries such as Bhutan and China.

    I would view BOTH as fallen though!

  15. OMG this is so chapter 5 of Banat Al Riyadh! I just finished chapter 21 and the book is highly addictive!

    Sometimes I just wish that Saudi men can treat the women better instead of dumping them after doing the deed or ignoring the women they spent time chasing and wooing once they got married. Although I want to emphasise that it does not apply to every single Saudi men.

    How unfortunate to hear stories of men taking advantage of women and ironically, my best friend told me yesterday that one of her friends and my former classmate are taking advantage of men by doing something I don’t have to even mention here!

  16. I was honored to be told by a coworker how he fell in love with his girlfriend today. Saudi boy, saudi girl but the same sweet story you could hear in the middle of the US, or that I could tell you myself about my first love. He said it was his first time and will be his last. I felt 24 again instead of a jaded bitter 36.

    It’s sad to think that this thing of beauty and innocence could be viewed as ugly and punishable just because they’re unmarried and unrelated. But that just goes to show how different are the viewpoints of varied people.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  17. Haleem – from my own experiences and travels it seems to me that Pakistan and Afghanistan are among the worse for honor killings among women without necessarily having firm evidence of “wrongdoing” either.

    Firdaus – Yes, Girls of Riyadh is worth reading. For anyone interested if you search my blog with the term “Girls of Riyadh” it will come up with a review I did of the book earlier.

    Andrea – I agree – there is nothing better than a beautiful love story with a happy ending.

  18. Most of the time it is the woman who falls as the victim. Somalia recently stoned a teenage girl to death for consenting to a sexual relationship, i think this is the first time this type of punishment happened in Somalia. She said it was rape but the Sheikh said she consented and had come to them to be punished. The men who raped her ofcourse escaped from justice. Men’s lives are worth more than women in some parts of the world.

  19. thanks for sharing Kaalimaat. Yes; it is sad but true that in certain parts of the world women are still viewed as chattel.

  20. Khalid, you said of the prophet’s saying “Two judges are in hell , and one in paradise” Which means that being a judge is not an easy thing, and most judges are not qualified to be so.

    Maybe what he meant was the only qualified judge is the one that IS in paradise as in God himself.

    I think the main problem that we have here, and in any sharia rulings, is that men have taken it upon themselves to act as God. If something is an offence against God it should be up to God to do the punishing. If there is no compulsion in religion why should you be punished for not following it?

    What happened to ‘Vengence is mine sayeth the Lord’?

  21. Courtship is rapidly changing in Saudi Arabia, and dating is starting to catch on in Saudi. So I don’t think every Saudi man views his girlfriend as “fallen” if they succomb to their basic desires, the “I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours” phenomenon is pretty much the same wherever you go. Lustful curiosity doesn’t discriminate between different religions, and countries: men will always be men.

  22. Girls, everywhere, in the ME, Africa etc, have the right to have fun too. Who needs those retarded imbecile men who cowardly blackmailed the girl he trickily slept with.

    Lift your chin and walk on girl. Try not to get caught and have fun…….!!!

  23. brokesaudi – I agree with you that courtship is changing in Saudi Arabia although the societal and cultural pressure here is stronger than other places. Therefore if a couple is “found out” or the man has doubts or heaven forbid, talks out of turn, then the consequences can be greater than elsewhere.

  24. ah, another talk abotu double standards.

    I personally am a victim of being a man in this society, even though i am open minded.

    I did chase a girl or 2 in my life, and i did break some hearts. Its not that i didn’t want to find someone i like or love. its just that in the excitement of the moment and the sexual frustration are far too challenging in this segregated society.

    its not that i didn’t like hanging out with these ladies, and they were not good people, i just couldn’t keep it going. they were not the one i was looking for. that also doesn’t mean that what happened was a mistake, for me and for them. I think we both learned from these mistakes, and some of these women are still friends.

    this double standard that you speak about does not only exist in Saudi or the ME. for example, men are still considered “pimps” and full of glory when counting their sexual escapades, when women are looked down on when mentioning their numbers.

    I would also want to add some food for thought. In situations where men and women meet, why does society always look at the man as the persuader and not the woman being scandalous? I mean the man is usually more open about it, but i have seen with my own eyes women who take advantage of that. they drag a man all around the place, giving him mixed signals all night. even holding his hand to let him through her bedroom. only to claim that the guy persuaded her, even worst shouting rape the next morning.

    its a double standard from both sides, and i don’t deny that women have it worst.

    maybe we should focus more on harm reduction instead of enforcing the ideal. (which is the subject of a peom i wrote on my notes in facebook)
    people are going to do the prohibited, so why not educate them in what goes in, to better protect themselves.

    I call out for all the saudi girls and guys here to write out a guide for young men and women who would like to engage in dating to better protect them selves. the guide should start with

    “well even thought its better to get away from such shady situations, if you decide to do this, this is what you got to do to protect yourselves”

    there should also be a chapter for both men and women and a combined chapter for both

  25. Interesting… I’ve always wondered whether I could woo an Emirati girl here… I wouldn’t consider her damaged goods though if she went along with it.

  26. That’s right in some cases. However, they are being more careful now whne being a lone “you know what I mean”.!!

    The idea of a fallen woman is there for some men as well. I have known and heard of about many couples who have dated, talked on the phone or whatever it is but ended up with marriage are very happy.

  27. Abdullah Hamed, thank you for sharing a candid perspective from that of a Saudi male. I don’t deny that it can also be rough or awkward for the Saudi guy but the majority of the times it is the woman who is viewed as the fallen one. Seems that the society and culture is more willing to accept a man dating or “gaining experience” prior to marriage than that of a woman. Not exactly fair but… And you’re right – in some cases a woman will take advantage and perhaps even set up a man. Is she conscious of this fact or what her actions imply? I think sometimes yes but sometimes no.

    I like the idea of a guide on dating or interacting with the opposite sex. It would be useful but at the same time, cannot imagine authorities letting such guide being circulated since the society here still prohibits unrelated men and women from being together.

    This reminds me indirectly of an experience in Thailand. Bangkok was/is so well known for prostitution and therefore transmission of STD’s. As a result, one restaurant “Cabbages & Condoms” opened up and in addition to being a good and decent restaurant, also promotes safe sex. Instead of getting breath mints after a meal, free condoms are distributed. The restrooms are also decorated with posters showing differing kinds of condoms from around the world and the gift shop also promotes safe sex.

  28. also i like to call harm prevention the “Amsterdam experience” where clean needles are distributed to prevent the share of unclean needles in drug use. this to reduce the spread of HIV which we all know that unclean needles are the main cause of its spread in the west.

    and who said about distributing it in saudi….. the internet provides such a better, free, and wide distribution base than most paper based distribution methods.

  29. anyways, its sad. the whole concept of fallen woman is sad… very sad

  30. Not a bad idea…what shall it be called “The Saudi Guide to Halal Dating?”

  31. well it wouldn’t be necessarily halal, its just that, if you want to date regardless of its halal or haram status, then minimize harm with this guide

  32. Okay…I’m willing to take it on as a future blog post. So I encourage YOU and everyone else to send me your tips on a “Saudi Guide to Dating” which will likely be incorporated into a pretty comprehensive post.

    Send me your tips directly via email so as not to hijack this thread:

  33. I was just thinking the other day about what is an appropraite age and exactly what do you say to a Muslim child about the birds and bees. I then thought of my childhood and Sex Ed classes, and bowls of condoms in the student center. I thought it would not be long before I read these types of suggestions for Saudis.

    A Saudi Guide To Dating – authoo billahi min thaliq!

  34. I believe that it is natural in a non-confrontational or embarrassed/shy manner to speak to a pre-teen about ones body and its functions. I’ll have to pull up and link the earlier post I actually did about Saudi and Sex Ed…

  35. Here’s the link to what I had written previously about sex ed for those interested:

  36. Ok so preteen is what you consider the appropraite age. My oldest is still 8 yrs but she keeps asking me when will she HAVE to cover. I haven’t talk to her about puberty yet cuz then that would open a whole can of worms. I just keep praying that she does’t HAVE to cover (reach puberty) until she is at least 12 1/2!

  37. If you think she is mature enough to understand you might remark that she will not have to cover until she starts showing breasts? Or again it is your call…does she want to start covering and wearing an abaya now? I know that some families start their females wearing abayas when they are but 2,3 years.

  38. No my daughter is putting off wearing the abaya until she absolutely has to. There are exceptions like if we run to the store in the middle of the night and she is in her pajamas. She sees the abaya as a right of passage. I’ve told her that I want to at some point get her teained and used to it. She said , “Mommy if I have to wear it when I get older than I will wear it. You know I obey but while I’m still a little girl I don’t want to wear it.” and I don’t force her to. I do plan on buyng some material to get some modest childrens clohes ade for my girls, because over the past few years the stores in the clothes have become rather inappropraite.

  39. Sounds like you have everything well under control!

  40. Abdullah Hamed, that was an excellent comment. And book-idea.
    Acually I think all teens all over the world could use a book on dating. I think ”dating” is quite important to get to know what or who your looking for. I don’t mean the way it is often used today, as in having sex, I mean just going about to a cinema, or having an icecream and talk, and get to know each other.

    I suddenly realised something about giving children some information about their bodies, and birds and bees; I had my talk by my mother when I was 10, and I was só nót interested: ”Yeah, yeah, thanks for telling me, I’m going to play outside now”.
    It seems to me that grow-ups are totally exaggarating sex. Just because they think about sex all the time, doesnt mean a child will start having sex as soon as it is explained to them. Sex doesn’t really play a part in a child’s head, because it’s not their time yet.
    Unless grown-ups put it there ofcourse.
    I think letting girls wear abayas at pre-teen age will do just that, after all it means nothing else but: ”this female is ready for sex, and so has to be covered”.
    Very unhealthy I think.
    Anyway, I think you can start quite early explaining stuff; it never harms a child to have knowledge, incase some perverted adult comes after them.

  41. I think to be able to have a healthy relationship, both Saudi men and women ought to respect each other as a person..take each other as an equal, instead of one being weaker or stronger than the other. Then again, i i think in the end it all boils down to upbringing. Unless and until parents change the way of bringing up their children, things will very much remain the same..

  42. Yeah…I remember when I was about 12 and my older sister gave me “The TALK.” I was like you, Aafke…I listened but my mind was moving ahead on going outside and playing with my cats!

    Nefertiti – I agree with your words that a healthy relationship and one with respect is best. The segregation and culture of Saudi Arabia can sometimes impede this a bit.

  43. I’ve been reading Carol’s controversial threads too much. Now I’m about to follow in her footsteps and ask a question just for the sake of reading different responses. Better her blog than mine!

    Wouldn’t it be better to encourage the youth to get married early, instead of presenting them with a dating guide?

    Also, I read the sex ed link and that is something I’d rather they keep out of the schools. I’ll eventually have that talk with my daughters – insha’Allah – and most likely my sons too because I can’t imagine my husband talking to them about it.

  44. The main reason why such a problem arises in Saudi Arabia is due to the segregation which just results in more and more people becoming desperados (men/women).

    Being born and brought up in Saudi, I have grown up through all the stages of a man’s life there. And now spending my life abroad, I think that I and most of the students from the ME including Saudis have more respect towards women/girls unlike my friends and co-students who spent their life elsewhere.

    The whole dating thing is just one of the ways of “westernising” the Saudi culture and lifestyle.

    I am not quite sure about the book on dating as the solution to this problem.

  45. Umm Adam – no problem, I don’t mind you asking a question at all.

    I’m not in favor of advocating early marriages…I guess because of what I see as the continuing culture that you not only marry but expected to be parents before the first anniversary.

    Personally I’d like to see less segregation and the men/women chances to interact…and not necessarily in a way that can be misconstrued as dating or beyond but simply the chance to get to know one another as friends.

    HishMaj – Welcome to the blog! And you’re right – dating is not a solution to the problem but I support Abdullah Hamed in that such a guide can provide pointers and advice for those in Saudi who are going to date regardless of the risks…at least such a guide can spell out those risks too.

  46. I think the problem here is that the women have no real knowledge of men, and that is probably because there is no contact with members of the opposite sex. Contact, doesn’t mean sex. If you just hang out with guys as friends…you will learn a lot about men. The best advise I ever got about men, came from my male friends. I’m sympathetic for the women (Saudi’s), as they appear to always be in a “no win” situation when it comes to their relations with men. I mean really…it’s pretty much an established fact that men (all men, regardless of color, class, education, religion) will say anything to get with a woman.

  47. I agree that ‘contact’ with the opposite sex does not mean or lead to sexual relations. It’s a shame that too many conservatives in the Saudi society will not agree with that.

  48. I’d still like to see compelling arguments of how social contact between men and women (the whole point of being human – along with most other living animals) is unhealthy to our survival (without quotes from the Quran or any other religious source).

  49. My understanding Ryan is that the segregation which is imposed is cultural and not mandated by religion.

  50. get married early.. instead of understanding our bodies, their functions, interpersonal relations, self esteem, having a connection with our mates instead of giving up as children, basically, and having experiential life over before one is even mature enough to understand it? no way. I think noone should marry until they’re at least 28-30, no babies until 32-34 (if at all).

  51. I agree with the marrying at a later age. I see too many Saudi girls whose main goal is marriage but yet they have no clue on what the responsibilities of marriage entail…what a recipe for disaster and dysfunction.

  52. Whats Saudis divorce rate?

  53. According to the post below it is 62% in the western region. So I’d assume overall it’s quite a bit lower when factoring in the entire country.

    It’s not really surprising given the dynamics of the country. But then again the US has like a 50% divorce rate and the dynamics are the polar opposite. Which indicates that no one has any idea what they’re doing anymore.

  54. Haha! I agree with that last sentence.

  55. This makes men look like the lion on the prowl and the women the unsuspecting little animals jumped on from behind. But errr these girls aren’t so unknowing, unwilling, unsuspecting, and wooed. They are active, seeking, knowing, and hoping that they won’t be the one to be dumped. Just like any other girl in the world who actively seeks male attention thinking she’ll change it all (yea women you can relate)

    I see the girls, w/ their flittering ways, swooshing their rears with open abyas, loads of make up and perfume that leaves it sent long behind them. They have their blue tooths on, giggling with their friends, leading him on. They say nothing as they are followed by the boys through the malls but keep looking back to give a slight smile lettting him know she is willing.

    The things I know that go on in this country between the opposite sex (and even same sex) men aren’t the lions and the women the passive prey. They are active seekers and participants knowing they’ll hold all the blame in the end.

    They all make active choices knowing the consequences.

  56. A fact is that the divorce rate in Saudi Arabia is on the rise. The reasons for this fact can be debatable.

    You’re right Nzingha – it can go both ways but sadly the women would be subject to greater consequences than the men. And to a degree many of the “women” (girls) are so naive. They may know what they are doing in attempting to attact a man but their maturity level is no where near how “aged” they may have made themselves appear.

  57. bedu- your summing up every hormonal girl in the world 🙂 every girl no matter what culture gets all the blame (and a possible big belly) they all think ‘not me’ or ‘i’ll be the one’. Saudi however is unique in the physical consequences when caught by authorities and family..and that hymen reconstruction is a chosen surgical option 🙂

  58. @Andrea
    I hope you were kidding when you said:
    get married early.. instead of understanding our bodies, their functions, interpersonal relations, self esteem, having a connection with our mates instead of giving up as children, basically, and having experiential life over before one is even mature enough to understand it? no way. I think noone should marry until they’re at least 28-30, no babies until 32-34 (if at all).

    If not that is the most closed minded and extreme view I’ve ever read. It is precisely that type of thought that makes people think the Western women are all tramps.

  59. I think many women (girls actually) marry too early here in KSA before they have a clue about married life or even like Andrea pointed out, understand themselves. That is no way saying she should be sexually experienced before marriage but hope to have gained some maturity in order to be a good wife and eventually a mother.

  60. Hmm… To marry early or later… Well my first marriage was at 19 while my mom married at 29 (unusual for Latin Americans in her time)- I divorced at an earlier age, my mom at a later age- my mom never remarried, yet I did- and the second time around I was better prepared for a husband, motherhood, work and life in general.

    My children all say they will marry later in life; one because his career choice at the moment would get in the way of a solid and healthy marriage; the middle one because she is all into what she wants to do and college; the youngest because well quite frankly is oblivous to boys- being a tom boy all her friends but one soul buddy are boys- they call each other sand box buddies because they have known each other since pre-school-

    Yet my two daughters know the consequences of the “social stigma” still prevelant in our Moorish (Arab/Spanish) society… They hear all sorts of stories and they see others of their age though not necessarily peers and the mess they can make of their lives if not careful- but they chose not to be the same- and this is to our family the important point- choices… To have them can at times, though not always, bring the stress level and peer pressure down a few notches and give enough room to breath and wait for the “murky” waters to settle so they can then stand up for want they believe is true of themselves…

    Latins all too well understand the concept of fallen women- at times I used to think we not only invented the concept but walked right into it with eyes open shut… Not as much as a few decades ago…

    Fallen once, a mistake; fallen a few times you may need to get your “eyes” checked- and I am not generalizing about Saudi Women or any woman for that matter- but its human to err- repeatedly though may be the result of some faulty thought process and action.

  61. Beautiful comment, Inal and thanks!

  62. I had to comment this. Except I would change the title to “The Fallen Arab Woman – A Scenario”, to distinguish I’m not Saudi. But let me tell you, you really hit the jackpot about these guys. Thankfully, the situation never got out of hand, but seriously, you ordered it perfectly. It begins with the comments, then the meetings, then surprise!

    Really though, you must hand it to these guys. It’s more shameful (in some cases, if you know what I mean) than it is impressive, but Saudi men know how to lure the ladies in!

  63. Thanks for sharing Jammy and glad you liked the post!

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