Blog Search Terms for Saudi blogs


I know that sometimes you may wonder what might have prompted me to write on this post or that post…How did she ever think of such a subject?  Well, in addition to simply sharing the realities and experiences of day-to-day life in the Kingdom, I also rely on an analysis of the search terms that led readers to my blog in the first place.  This is one of the advantages in using WordPress as a blog platform.  For a non-techie like me it is quite easy to use and manage.  Plus it provides you routinely with daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly statistics.  I not only know how many individuals have viewed my blog each day but what posts they are reading.  In addition, as I stated in the beginning of this post, I also receive a log of daily search terms which lead readers to my blog.  Sometimes I will view the search terms and realize especially with repeated terms searched, I should do a post on a particular subject due to the ongoing level of interest.  At other times I may see a search term and wonder what on earth made the search engine come up with a reference to my blog for that term!  To give you an example, following are search terms which led a reader(s) to my blog during a three hour period.  It’s pretty self-explanatory with the words on the left the terms searched and the numbers of times those terms have been used as search term on the right:




Search Views
saudi 3
saudi arabia customs and traditions 3
somali tea and coffee recipes 2
islamic marriage/saudi arabia 2
girl’s or boy’s number sms 2
arizona golf resort riyadh 2
restriction on living in saudi arab 2
head abaya 2
american bedu 2
list compounds at riyadh rent 2
building for rent riyadh 2
when did indonesia join opec 2
sports+special needs children+saudi arab 2
places where can buy arabic coffee 2
cultural communication of saudi arabia 2
the traditional eating in saudi arabia 2
mobile no of saudi girls 1
“woman is approached” 1
saudi customs 1
horses in saudi arabia 1
recipe for bosnian coffee 1
saudi arabia police department 1
some women dressed modestly but some pre 1
niqab and gloves blog 1
new abayas 1

I’m sure that as a reader you can also see certain repetitive themes which come up even in a short timeframe such as housing, shopping and of course the veil, abaya and gloves.

24 Responses

  1. […] VegeYum wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt    I know that sometimes you may wonder what might have prompted me to write on this post or that post…How did she ever think of such a subject?  Well, in addition to simply sharing the realities and experiences of day-to-day life in the Kingdom, I also rely on an analysis of the search terms that led readers to my blog in the first place.  This is one of the advantages in using WordPress as a blog platform.  For a non-techie like me it is quite easy to use and manage.  Plus it provides you routinely with daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly statistics.  I not only know how many individuals have viewed my blog each day but what posts they are reading.  In addition, as I stated in the beginning of this post, I also receive a log of daily search terms which lead readers to my blog.  Sometimes I […] […]

  2. If you are going to write about fashion, you may find this interesting.

  3. […] delhi4cats added an interesting post today on Blog Search TermsHere’s a small readingarizona golf resort riyadh, 2. restriction on living in saudi arab, 2. head abaya, 2. american bedu, 2. list compounds at riyadh rent, 2. building for rent riyadh, 2. when did indonesia join opec, 2. sports+special needs children+saudi … […]

  4. That is indeed interesting. I can only image what reaction such a style would case here in the Kingdom!

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. I can’t remember how I stumbled across your blog, although I believe it was through Saudi Jeans. What led me there is even further removed!

    I can tell you why I come back every weekday: your blog is helping me to connect with and better understand a large population of my students. I am an advisor at a large university here in the States; while I can’t say the vast majority of my students are Saudi, I will say that I have a large number of students who do come from the Kingdom.

    It helps greatly to have some topics to discuss with them, even if only to break the ice at the initial meeting. I had a really interesting and fun conversation about crossing from the Kingdom into Baharain the other day: niqabs and abayas sailing into back seats with wild abandon, I’m told!

    So I’d like to thank you for your insights, they are helping me to win over some shy and, in some cases, culture shocked young men and women!

  6. Annette,

    What a pleasure to hear your comments! I hope that you can encourage your students to add their perspectives as well. You might be interested in an earlier post I wrote about “I’m Saudi and going to the USA; What do I need to know.”

    Please do come back and keep commenting.


  7. You gotta wonder about the person searching “mobile no of saudi girls.”

  8. Cairogal,

    Those are actually some of the “tamer” search terms. Some of them can raise the eyebrows and make you wonder!

  9. Carol,

    One thing I’ve never seen you comment about is the female Saudi swimsuit. As a lover of the water and the hot summer months approaching (Insh’Allah) I’m curious to know what the swimwear is like in Saudia. Unfortunately since becoming Muslim I haven’t had the chance to swim for many,many summers. I have a friend who is Muslim and her mom has a pool and her and her daughters often swim there in “American swimsuits” but I don’t have anywhere like that to go. My husband has suggested going to a hotel and swimming in capris and long sleeved shirt but there’s nothing like swimming outside on a hot summer day! I’m sure those who are lovers of the water will agree. If you might consider doing a post on this I would be most appreciative! Thank you!

  10. Hi Tina and thank you for that suggestion. While I want to save more for a post, there are indeed swimsuits for the muslim female!

  11. Yeah, and if I had to wear one, I for once would insist on wearing a very large abaya on top of it.

  12. Aafke,

    With a little unexpected time on my hands,I googled “muslim swimwear” ,and came across a site at you get a minute you should check it out.I would definately wear one of these with no embarassment what so ever.I think they’re pretty hip!

  13. Don’t know why this site won’t come up if you click on it here but if you GOOGLE muslim swimwear it’s on the first page about the 5th one down.Sorry about that!

  14. And stay tuned…I’ve already written a post on the subject which will be forthcoming with links and photos!

  15. Blog search terms are always entertaining to review 🙂

    @ Tina
    More on the Burqini here

  16. Tina: thanks for the link: it led me to going to bed far to late as I scanned several modest swimsuit-fashions! while these were not as revoltingy as the one I had in mind, I think it is exessive and as Islam is supposesd to be about moderation I don’t agree one would have to dress like that. Having just jumped into a canal this summer, modestly dressed, I think it is not very safe either.

    I rather liked the ’20-style swimsuits.
    The swimsuit that popped up in my mind was one I had seen on a documentary about muslims in England: It was made of a horrible green shiny stuff with brown spots, and you looked as if you are a deflated toad with a skin-disease. Add that to actually going into the water wearing that and the analogy is complete!
    The ones on the sites looked a lot better!

  17. Jewaira, Thanks for the info ! 🙂

    Aafke,LOL! your a hoot! I always look forward to your comments 🙂

  18. I enjoy Aafke’s comments as well as her blog…check it out:

  19. Don’t get too excited: I’m changing my blog: only dull stuff from now on…

  20. Yeah right…..

  21. LOL atleast they are clean(er) then this:
    and for the Love of GOD: who puts their cell no online ??

  22. […] Saudi, American Bedu also shares her thoughts on how she reacts to readers. She explains: In addition to simply sharing […]

  23. […] अरब की अमरीकन बेदू अपने चिट्ठे पर आने वाले पाठकों के […]

  24. Salaam Aleykum

    Regarding the Burqini, it is available to buy from

    Shipping worldwide

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