Clueless in Saudi Arabia

You know the old saying you can bring a horse to water but you can’t force it to drink? That statement is so applicable to Saudi Arabia. For this post I’m going to focus on young unmarried Saudi women (age range 17 – 25). They will claim they wish to learn how to set a proper table; how to run a house; how to train a housemaid; how to take better care of themselves in regards to health and nutrition. But….those words are simply a façade. It is so typical of them to parrot what they believe are the appropriate words with no substance or sincerity behind them.


I blame this attitude and careless disregard on the parents and society in which they grow up. Proper nutrition and biology is simply not openly discussed so young woman have no clue on the need to get physical activity or be exposed to sunlight. Instead they eat when and what they please and live a life predominantly in the darkness – both in outlook and in their chosen lifestyle. Then they do not understand why they are severely anemic, bruise easily, tire out easily or have such intense painful monthly menstrual periods.


They may make an offer to help you out when fixing a meal and ask to set the table. If you are lucky you will get a table with bowls all around and large spoons. Perhaps after more intense training you might get them to remember a plate and fork and napkins are also nice. This may be in spite of either showing them how to set a proper and attractive table and after numerous meals at a properly set table they will continue to claim they either do not know how or do not remember how to set a table properly.


For some of these young girls their version of running the house is engage a live-in housemaid who will become the slave. She will be the one to do the cooking, the cleaning and the ever ongoing cleaning up and picking up empty water bottles and dirty tissues off the floor or wherever they have happened to be left around.


Now how can these issues be resolved? How can these young women become productive and contributing members of society rather than mirroring an exquisitely dressed Falla doll? Discipline and values not only need to be instilled by the parents but I believe the school has a responsibility too. In regards to the school there should be outreach with the Ministry of Health and required programs on nutrition and health and pro-active health care.