Saudi Arabia – The Expectation of Assistance

I have noticed a tendency among Saudis to frequently and easily ask westerners for assistance. This is understandable when there are requests that a native English speaker can perform so much easier than a Saudi. These requests can include facilitating university admissions, preparing cover letters and assisting with research and writing papers. Interestingly some Saudis may even ask Westerners assistance for finding opportunities for young women too since many westerners are exposed to more “open” environments and therefore more diverse opportunities for women. I think it is fair to say that the majority of westerners will be happy to assist and oblige with such requests. Working together helps foster understanding, build bridges and solidify friendships. Yet as I hear from a number of westerners while they have been pleased to help out Saudis there has been little to no appreciation shown in return. It is almost as if there is expectancy on the part of the Saudi that he or she (the Saudi) is doing the westerner a favor by asking him or her for assistance. More often than not, the Saudi fails to say just a simple “thanks” for the assistance on the part of the westerner. The Westerner is helping out of goodness and not expecting any payment or a quid quo pro but simply relishing in that feeling of goodness by being able to help. Why is it so hard in turn for a Saudi to express his or her appreciation with just the words of thanks or an acknowledgement for the help?