Saudi Arabia/USA: American Bedu Update

breast cancer awareness

First I want to thank everyone for all the support I continue to receive over the years not only for reading my blog but the personal outpour and encouragement as I continue my ongoing battle with breast cancer.

In the past three months I have had radiation to the brain which I’m pleased to say was successful.  However, due to the continued growth of other tumors elsewhere, I am once again back in chemotherapy.

I’m not going to complain but rather embrace the chemo.  It’s going me that continued foothold on life and time to be with those who mean all the world to me.

I do have to confess though that sometimes the chemo and the associated drugs make it more challenging to write provoking posts.  I just ask for you to bear with me during those times.

I want to ask something else too.  Losing Abdullah to cancer and then continuing my own battle makes it so clear what is truly important and what is really just ‘small stuff.’  I want American Bedu readers to remember and take the time to let those who are nearest to you know how much they mean.  Don’t let yourself get in a tizzy when things don’t go your way.  Life is much deeper and more precious.

Last but not least, and especially for those who are facing a battle with cancer in Saudi Arabia, reach out!  Don’t hold the emotions or fears inside.  That can only allow the illness to further foster.  Let it go.  Reach out to others whether they are in your family or if you feel more comfortable with an anonymous online support group.

I’d like to end this post with sharing a very inspirational and motivational video.

12 Responses

  1. Speaking for myself I really thank you for making me a part of your life and all I can offer is the my heart’s desire for your recovery and I pray for you.
    “O God! The trials Thou sendest are a salve to the sores of all them who are devoted to Thy will; the remembrance of Thee is a healing medicine to the hearts of such as have drawn nigh unto Thy court; nearness to Thee is the true life of them who are Thy lovers; Thy presence is the ardent desire of such as yearn to behold Thy face; remoteness from Thee is a torment to those that have acknowledged Thy oneness, and separation from Thee is death unto them that have recognized Thy truth!: Baha’u’llah

  2. Thank you, Ray!

    On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 5:58 PM, American Bedu

  3. Continued success with your chemo. There are a lot of other treatments out there besides chemo if you could check those out. They have been very successful in eradicating the cancer from the body. Talk to cancer center of America and see what they have to say about your cancer. Good luck and God bless you.

  4. the Saudi’s have the same mentality as the Americans when it comes to sanitation and keeping areas clean. You would think Saudi Arabia with all of its wealth would at least want to be the cleanest country in the world, yet how can you pay someone so little to live on. I think they should all leave and go back home and see what the government does then when it comes to sanitation. It would be so funny if they had an outbreak of some disease because they don’t want to pay the workers enough money. It would be their fault. Our sanitation workers make more than some people working in an office. The driver alone makes about $23 an hour.

  5. you have all our support adn love carol, keep your spirits up, enjoy every day and your thoughts are correct.

  6. Hi Carol, my prayers are with you. You are a winner and God will never leave you. Keep yourself positive as always and we will continuing praying for you. I really admire you for being a brave, strong, and great woman. God bless you, xoxo

  7. Thanks for all the words of support.

    There are so many facilities offering the latest of treatments but if you look closely, they are definitely for profit facilities and many are selective in what insurances they accept. I did research Cancer Centers of America a while back but they do not accept my insurance.

  8. Sending lots of ♥ to you from Rancho Cucamonga, CA!

  9. Thank you, Elaine!

    On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 1:53 AM, American Bedu

  10. Wishing you the very best Carol! Happy Holidays.

  11. Thank you so much, Rahma!

    The next several days are tough ones due to the chemo effects and some injections/meds I have to receive due to low white blood counts. I might be a little quiet on the blog until through this period.

  12. […] an active cancer warrior who has been battling stage IV cancer since 2008 and lost my dear Saudi husband to the dreaded […]

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